Our long-term aim with Snow is to automate and simplify our SAM processes while maintaining an overview of our licensing stock. The solution saves us time and effort, and takes the stress out of preparing for audits and contract negotiations.
SAM Hero Albert Rösch, Head of IT Service Management, GfK

Company Background:

GfK is one of the world’s largest market research companies. Based in Nuremberg, Germany, GfK employs 13,000 people worldwide and gathers market intelligence from more than 100 countries.


The main task was the establish the company’s Microsoft licensing position in the context of a complex purchasing history. Other key aspects of the project were data documentation and clear processes around contract renewal.

Why Snow

With Snow Software, GfK is able to quickly and easily create compliance reports and gain the visibility necessary for successful contract negotiations and budget planning. The reliability of Snow data significantly simplifies vendor audits and helps automate an ever growing number of Software Asset Management processes. All this was achieved with the help of Snow Professional Services. The improvements introduced by Snow are making it possible for GfK to build a SAM structure that is pro-active and constantly up to date.


With the help of Snow Software and in just a few months, GfK was able to gain the visibility it needed to engage confidently in contract renegotiations and engage in proactive Software Asset Management.

“Our long-term aim with Snow is to automate and simplify our SAM processes while maintaining an overview of our licensing stock. The solution saves us time and effort, and takes the stress out of preparing for audits and contract negotiations.”

SAM Hero Albert Rösch, Head of IT Service Management, GfK