Snow Partner System on Snow Atlas (Partners Only)
In this self-paced e-learning course, we will have a first look at what you as a Snow Partner will have access to in this first iteration of the Partner System on Snow Atlas.
You will learn the basics of the Snow Atlas Platform; how each partner and customer access their own environments, and how partners can manage their customer environments through the Partner Access feature.
Another useful feature of the Partner System is the ability to create Snow Inventory Agent installation packages using the Package Builder application. This course will show you how to use the application, and what you need to consider when creating the agent configuration file.
Who Should Attend?
This course is suited for partners starting their Snow Atlas journey, wanting an introduction to the Partner System and how it ties together with customers environments.
There are no prerequisites for this course, but we recommend the SAM on Snow Atlas Administrator course to better understand the customer’s side of Snow Atlas.
Course Outline
- Snow Atlas Overview
- Accessing your customer’s environments using the Partner Access feature
- Creating Inventory Agent installation packages using the Package Builder
- Inventory Agent configuration file and important settings
Delivery Method
Partner System on Snow Atlas is offered as a 33-minute self-paced e-learning course.
Enroll in this course
If you wish to enroll in this e-learning course a Snow Academy account is required.
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